Center for Global Education
Office Hours: Open Mondays-Fridays, 8:30am-4:30pm
Harkins Hall, Room 215
What types of courses can I take when I study abroad?
Course offerings vary by program. You have the opportunity to take courses for your major, minor, and PC’s Core, as well as free electives.
How do I choose my study abroad courses? When will I know it my courses will count at PC?
It is never too early to start looking at study abroad course options. Then, at the start of the semester prior to your study abroad experience, you will submit a Course Pre-Approval Form. You first should check your degree audit in order to determine which requirements you have remaining. Next, you should check the course offerings posted on your program’s website. Once you know your available course options, you should consult the PC Course Equivalency Database. This will show you how your study abroad classes will count at PC. To take a course not listed on the database, submit the syllabus with your Course Pre-Approval Form.
What if I can’t obtain a syllabus before I arrive abroad? What if I choose a new course that is not approved yet?
You may submit syllabi for study abroad courses to as these syllabi become available to you.
How many classes will I take on my program?
The number of classes you take will depend on the U.S. credit value of each course. You must be enrolled in a minimum of 15 U.S. credits (and a maximum of 18 credits) while you are abroad. Usually, this means that you will take four or five classes. However, it could mean that you will take as few as three classes or as many as six per semester.
Will I receive credit for the courses I take abroad?
Yes. You will receive credit if you have received confirmation from the Center for Global Education of their approval.
What happens if I take a repeat class?
In all cases of a repeated course, only the most recent grade will be used to calculate the overall GPA. Students considering repeating, or required to repeat, a course should be aware that the most recent grade will be recorded. This will occur whether or not it is higher than the earlier attempt. No credit is awarded for a repeat course.
Will my study abroad grades be factored into my GPA?
Yes, all of your study abroad grades will appear on your transcript and be factored into your cumulative GPA.
What is the Pass/Fail policy?
Once your grades have been posted to Cyberfriar, you have the option of changing one free elective to Pass/Fail. You will need to work with the Office of Undergraduate and Graduate Studies in order to make this change. You have until the end of the semester following your study abroad term to submit a Pass/Fail request. Contact Student Success Center for more information.
Can I purchase my textbooks abroad? What about school supplies?
Yes, you may wait until you have arrived abroad to purchase your textbooks. In some cases, your program will rent books or offer course packets in addition to, or in lieu of, textbooks. If you have space in your luggage, you may want to bring notebooks and pens to get started. However, these supplies can be purchased abroad as well.
How do I register for my PC courses while I am abroad?
You will receive an email several weeks before the PC registration period with instructions to contact your academic advisor. You will discuss your course plans with your advisor who will then provide you with your registration PIN and time. You will not lose your registration status while you are abroad. You will register for your classes on Cyberfriar during your designated time. Make sure to factor in the time difference when registering.
How long does it take for my study abroad courses to be posted to Cyberfriar?
While you are abroad, you are registered for a placeholder course in Cyberfriar. This placeholder indicates that you are studying abroad. It can take several months after your program ends for the CGE to receive your abroad transcript. Once your transcript arrives, Cyberfriar will be updated. It will include the PC course equivalent title, your grades, and the credits you earned.