PC Faculty-Led Abroad Programs

Center for Global Education

Office Hours: Open Mondays-Fridays, 8:30am-4:30pm
Harkins Hall, Room 215

PC Faculty-Led Abroad (FLA) are Providence College courses that include a short-term travel component. Most FLA courses take place during the Spring semester where travel occurs during Winter Break, Spring Break, or alternatively, during the shortened “Maymester” term. All FLA courses are developed and run by PC faculty and travel to a diversity of destinations each year. These programs are priced economically (with scholarships available) and typically do not require prerequisites to ensure all members of the PC student body can participate.

Applications are due between October 1st and November 15th depending on the program. While most FLAs do not require a language proficiency, we encourage students to explore World Languages & Cultures courses at PC to enrich their abroad experience.

Please use the left sidebar menu to learn more about the available Spring Break and Maymester FLA program opportunities.