Study Abroad Program Evaluation
All students are required to submit a complete program evaluation. The Center for Global Education will forward your study abroad transcript to the Office of Enrollment Services only after we have received your evaluation.
Due to the length of the form, the web page may “time-out” if the form has not been submitted after 1 hour. We encourage students to fill out some, if not all, of the lengthy answers in a Word file and then copy and paste the responses in the fields below to ensure that you work is not lost.
Note: This is a formal document, used by various offices to improve future programming and is also made available for prospective students to read. Please be candid and thoughtful, but constructive, in your comments and refrain from using foul language and sarcasm. If you have particular concerns, we encourage you to make an appointment to discuss it with your advisor in the Center for Global Education.
Center for Global Education
Office Hours: Open Mondays-Fridays, 8:30am-4:30pm
Harkins Hall, Room 215