Frequently Asked Questions
Center for Global Education
Office Hours: Open Mondays-Fridays, 8:30am-4:30pm
Harkins Hall, Room 215
Have a question about the CIV in London program? Check below to see if there is already an answer available. If you are not able to find an answer here, please contact the Center for Global Education for more information.
What is the timeline for participation in CIV in London?
March 31st of freshman year – apply to the program
- April of freshman year – admissions decisions are released
- Fall of sophomore year – group orientation and other pre-departure preparation activities take place
Spring of sophomore year – students travel to London (program dates are generally from mid-January to late April)
How does admission into the CIV in London program work?
Admission into the program will be competitive as there is a strict limit of 40 students due to course size constraints. The program will run only if it meets the minimum enrollment of 30 students. As part of the application process, students will request recommendations from a member of their DWC team as well as from another PC faculty member, and these will factor into admissions decisions. As much as possible, the selection committee will seek to admit a diverse array of students from a variety of academic majors. Students’ personal statements should provide evidence of maturity and ability to benefit from this study abroad program. All admitted students need to meet the Providence College study abroad Eligibility Requirements, which include having a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 by the time first-semester grades have posted and up until their departure for London.
What support is available to prepare students for their experience abroad?
Because participants will be going abroad as sophomores, additional pre-departure components will be required as part of participating in this program. This includes group dinners and meetings with faculty leaders.
Where do students take classes?
Students can take courses at the IES Study Center in central London. Some of these courses will be taught by Providence College faculty and others will be taught by faculty hired by IES. Students may also take one course at City, University London or Queen Mary University. A sample of IES London courses is available here.
How much would the semester in London cost compared to a typical semester at Providence College?
Additional costs to consider include the study abroad fee ($1,000), visa, and round-trip airfare (approx. $1,100). Aside from the study abroad fee, Providence College tuition will remain the same, with any grants, loans, or scholarships deducted from the tuition cost as usual. Students do not pay tuition to IES or any of the universities they might attend while abroad. Program housing in London (approx. $6,500 including international health insurance in addition to housing) is comparable to the cost of the Providence college residence halls. Students on the program do not have a meal plan. Rather, they can purchase food to cook in shared kitchens. It is important to note that London is a more expensive city to live in than Providence, and the exchange rate will also contribute to a higher cost of living during the semester abroad.
Are students in the Honors CIV program eligible to apply?
Due to the unique curricular nature of the Honors CIV colloquium requirement, students in the DWC Honors program are not able to participate in CIV in London. Instead, they are encouraged to participate in the Honors Spring Break program, which is offered every spring semester and available exclusively to students on the DWC Honors track.
Can participants in the CIV in London program study abroad a second time?
Students on this program are eligible to study abroad a second time on any of the short-term study abroad programs for which they are qualified. They may also apply to study abroad during spring of their junior year or fall of their senior year. The only stipulation is that they return to campus fall semester of their junior year.