London School of Economics
Center for Global Education
Office Hours: Open Mondays-Fridays, 8:30am-4:30pm
Harkins Hall, Room 215
About the Program
*** Students on this program are exempt from the Internship Requirement. However, this is a full year program that runs for both the fall and spring semesters. ***
Students will enroll in London School of Economics (LSE) through one of two providers: Arcadia or IFSA Butler. In determining which provider to choose, students may want to look at housing costs, grade conversion scales, program-provided excursions, and other means of support.
At LSE, a full course load consists of year-long courses that are 4 full units total, equaling 32 U.S. semester credit hours per year. Students who are admitted into the economics department are required to take at least two courses in that department. All other departments at LSE require students to take at least one course in their home department. Students applying to the economics department should already have completed three to four economics courses, including microeconomics and macroeconomics. Students should have also completed two to three math and/or statistic courses. Qualitative departments at LSE require students to have at least a 3.3 GPS while Quantitative departments require a 3.5 GPA.
Sample Courses Taken By Past Program Participants
Note: The courses below have been taken by previous students, but are not guaranteed to be offered during future semesters. Students and advisors should verify all PC equivalencies by using the Course Articulation Database, which has more current data than the static table below.
Course Abroad | PC Equivalency | Requirement Fulfilled |
AC-315: Applied Valuation Securities | FIN-445: Portfolio Management | FIN Major |
DFM-225: Fixed Income Securities | FIN-417: Fixed Income Securities | FIN Major |
FM-202: Analysis & Mgt of Fin Risk | FIN-440: Options and Futures | FIN Major |
FM-212: Principles of Finance | FIN-308: Managerial Finance II | FIN Major |
FM-230: Alternative Investments | FIN-ELECT: Alternative Investments | Free Elective |
ACC-211: Managerial Accounting | ACC-204: Managerial Accounting | PCSB Requirement |
LL-203: Law of Business Association | MGT-ELECT: Law of Business Association | MGT Major |
LONS-BUIB 255: Intro to Global Business | MGT-ELECT: Intro to Global Business | MGT Major |
MG-100: Leadership & Comm in Teams | MGT-101: Principles of Business Mgmt | MGT Major |
MG-102: Organizational Behavior | MGT-301: Organizational Behavior | PCSB Requirement |
MG-105: Social Innovation & Entrepship | MGT-ELECT: Social Innovation & Entrepship | MGT Major |
MG-203: Strategic Management of Mkt | MGT-ELECT: Strategic Management of Mkt | MGT Major |
MG-204: Leadership in Organizations | MGT-ELECT: Leadership in Organizations | MGT Major |
MG-207: Managerial Economics | MGT-ELECT: Managerial Economics | MGT Major |
MG-208: Business Transformation & Proj | MGT-ELECT: Business Transformation & Proj | MGT Major |
MG-220: Corporate & Org. Strategy | MGT-ELECT: Corporate & Org. Strategy | MGT Major |
MG-228: Managing the Stone Aged Brain | MGT-ELECT: Managing the Stone Aged Brain | MGT Major |
MG-301: Strategy | MGT-489: Capstone Seminar in Strategy | MGT Major |
MG-305: Innovation and Technology Mgt | MGT-ELECT: Innovation and Technology Mgt | MGT Major |
MG-306: Managing Diversity | MGT-ELECT: Managing Diversity | MGT Major |
MG-307: Int’l Context of Mgt | MGT-401: Organizational Theory | MGT Major |
MG-310: Risk & Decision Analysis MGT | MGT-ELECT: Risk & Decision Analysis MGT | MGT Major |
MG-312: Extreme Organisational Behave | MGT-ELECT: Extreme Organisational Behave | MGT Major |
PH-225: Business & Org Ethics | MGT-ELECT: Business & Org Ethics | MGT Major |
MG-103: Consumer Behavior | MKT-335: Buyer Behavior | MKT Major |
MG-203: Strategic Management of Mkt | MGT-ELECT: Strategic Management of Mkt | MGT Major |
PH-331: Philosophy of Economics | ECN-484: Sem-Contemporary Econ Thought | Philosophy |
PHL-101: Logic | PHL-101: Logic | Philsosophy |
PHL-103: Reason, Knowledge & Values | PHL-103: Introduction to Philosophy | Philosophy |